40th Annual Conference of the International
School Psychology Association
July 25th -28th, 2018
Tokyo Seitoku University, Tokyo Japan
Thank you so much for joining the 40th ISPA Conference 2018 held in Tokyo! For English program, 527 delegates from over 40 countries joined this conference. We hope that you had an inspiring experience to meet delegates from all over the world.
Conference Theme:
Promoting Resilience for Children Toward Life-ling Happiness
The Conference theme reflects the situation of all children, teachers and other professionals, recovering from difficulties stemming from natural disasters, personal issues, and more. After the Great East Japan Earthquake had occurred in 2011, Japanese school psychologists had much support by receiving relevant materials and having consultations from ISPA/NASP to help children recover help provided to Japan in that occasion. We also hope this is an opportunity for member of the helping professions to come and share their practice and academic findings.
Topics addressed during the conference will include:
- Working with children who experience mental health issues
- Supporting schools, families and children with learning difficulties
- Helping schools to become safe and effective learning environments
- Promoting inclusivity in diverse communities
- Training psychologists and other professionals to become effective practitioners
- Supporting children and school personnel in recovery from school crisis
Keynote Speakers
Toshinori Ishikuma, Ph. D.
Professor at Tokyo Seitoku University, Tokyo, Japan
“School Psychology in Japan: Psycho-educational Services by a Team of Teachers, School Counselor, and Parents ”
Dr. Ishikuma, the president of Japanese School Psychology Association (JSPA) and Japanese Organization of Certifying and Managing School Psychologists (JOSP), has started his research with Dr. Alan Kaufman on intelligent testing, and developed Japanese versions of WISC-IV and KABC-II. He is also strongly influenced by U.S. SDSU psychologists, including Drs. Carol Robinson-Zanartu, Valerie Cook, Colette Ingraham, who have multi-cultural and ecological insights. Dr. Ishikuma has energetically worked, with Japanese teachers and psychologists, to establish “School Psychology in Japan”, where teachers are main helpers to students and team support is the key. He is one of leaders in the movement for the “Nationally Certified Psychologist Law” in Japan, which was promulgated in 2015.
Keynote Presentation Material 基調講演資料
English / 日本語
Bonnie K. Nastasi, Ph. D.
Professor at Tulane University, Louisiana, USA
“Promoting Children’s Resilience for a Global Society”
Bonnie Kaul Nastasi, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology and co-director of trauma specialization in School Psychology at Tulane University. Dr. Nastasi uses mixed methods research designs to develop and evaluate culturally appropriate assessment and intervention approaches for promoting mental health and reducing health risks, within the US and internationally. She directed a multi-country study of psychological well-being of children and adolescents with research partners in 12 countries from 2008-2013. She is active in promotion of child rights and social justice within the profession of school psychology. Dr. Nastasi is President of the International School Psychology Association.
Keynote Presentation Material 基調講演資料
English / 日本語
William Pfohl, Ph. D.
Professor Emeritus at Western Kentucky University, USA
“Supporting Resilience: Helping Others after Traumatic Events”
Dr. William Pfohl has trained school psychologists for over 36 years. He specializes in responding to crisis events involving schools and communities including shootings, natural disasters, and unexpected deaths. He has been involved with training over 1,000 school psychologists in crisis response in schools both in the USA and internationally. His research interests are prevention, crisis response in schools, and ethical uses of technology in psychological practice.
Keynote Presentation Material 基調講演資料
English / 日本語
Program and Abstract Books
Total abstract presented in ISPA 2018 (Final)
criteria | Final |
single paper | 102 |
symposium | 14 |
round table | 14 |
workshop | 23 |
poster | 170 |
total presentation | 323 |
Total registration for ISPA 2018 (Final)
Countries and Regions | Final | Countries and Regions | Final |
Australia | 13 | Austria | 2 |
Bangladesh | 4 | Canada | 10 |
China | 17 | Croatia (Hrvatska) | 2 |
Estonia | 1 | France | 2 |
Georgia | 1 | Germany | 2 |
Greece | 2 | Hong Kong SAR | 13 |
India | 2 | Indonesia | 1 |
Iran | 2 | Ireland | 7 |
Israel | 3 | Italy | 2 |
Jamaica | 1 | Japan | 232 |
Korea, Repblic of | 1 | Latvia | 1 |
Lithuania | 2 | Macau | 1 |
Malta | 1 | Mexico | 6 |
Namibia | 1 | New Zealand | 3 |
Northern Mariana Islands | 2 | Oman | 1 |
Pakistan | 1 | Poland | 1 |
Portugal | 1 | Russia | 2 |
Singapore | 4 | Slovak Republic | 1 |
Spain | 1 | Sweden | 1 |
Switzerland | 8 | Taiwan | 13 |
The Netherlands | 8 | Turkey | 1 |
UK | 12 | USA | 135 |
TOTAL | 527 |
Photos from Event